How do you recognise when you’re making use of self care tips? Self care tips shouldn’t be a reaction to events happening in your life, they should be a habit so ingrained into your everyday routines that you hardly recognise they’re there. Taking time for yourself means a lot more than practising yoga or clearing your diary for the day however; the self care tips that really make a difference are those which stop you from making the wrong decision in the first place. So how can you make sure you’re living the healthiest, most positive life on your own terms? If the novelty of living in a world of crisis management is wearing thin, maybe you should make sure you are following our guide to self care tips.
1. Always have something to look forward to
Especially when we’re going through a challenging period, the more negative events we come across can feel all-consuming. Making sure you have something you enjoy doing booked in is one of the most useful self care tips you can get into the habit of doing. As well as helping you download your head for the weekend, having a nice thing to look forward to and focus on throughout the week helps you get perspective, develop acceptance and bounce when things get difficult.
Plan a reward, and make sure it is not so far in the distant that it feel irrelevant. Your self care tips should vary according to the difficulty of the tasks you’re completing, so schedule a cuppa or a chat with a loved one, whilst a sumptuous meal may be the perfect way to see past a challenging week, and instead focus on the food and company that launches the weekend.
2. Be grateful for the good stuff in your life
We know how contagious our emotions can be, and the same goes for self care tips. Generally speaking, an attitude of gratitude is far more constructive for our physical and mental wellbeing than any wallowing in pain. Acting in the way you aspire your life to be can change the way your body reacts to everything life throws at you. Reminding yourself how you feel in moments of happiness means you’ll become more aware of your place in the world around you,and help you become more attuned to sharing those self care tips. If you are happy and you know it clap your hands: it may well also inspire others to find happiness in their day too.
3. Make random acts of kindness your mantra
Self care tips don’t have to focus specifically on you, but instead can share wellbeing with the people around you. Unconditional giving is an immediate piece of evidence that we are nice people, we all want to see ourselves as intrinsically good. Kindness, respect, consideration and compassion lets us find a way to like ourselves, restoring a damaged sense of self. The recipient of the random act of kindness you give is equally affected by that action. If a person is aware that an act of kindness has benefited them they feel validated, valued through your self care tips, and it impacts on their self-esteem too.
4. Get moving as much as you can
Perhaps one of the most well known self care tips, exercise is now being prescribed because it works. Doctors are now offering exercise classes at local community gyms, which have been proven to have a significant impact on emotional wellbeing. Doing something you enjoy as part of your self care tips, that’s appropriate to your body and that gets you moving helps you feel better both mentally and physically. Exercise you truly enjoy is rewarding in itself, making for a perfect addition to your self care tips. So go out and find your thing, whatever works for you – just remember, keep it simple and just do it!
5. Enjoy the world around you
In a complex world, sometimes simplicity is the perfect medicine. Getting outside and into the fresh air is not only one of the easiest self care tips to fit into your routine, it’s one of the best things you can do for your mental health in general. It’s incredibly easy to fall into negative patterns of going to work, coming home, going to sleep over and over again, especially when working life demands the same daily routine from you. Taking time to step back and appreciate the nature around you has a very calming effect as part of your self care tips, slowing the world down and giving you time to process the events of the day.
Nature offers an environment that is both full of wonder and interesting things to observe, sense and enjoy without stimulating any unhelpful thoughts. So just by getting yourself back to nature, you will find you are doing more than enough to work towards positive mental health.
6. Surround yourself with positive influences
The more you have positive influences around you, the better equipped you will be to deal with negative thoughts infiltrating your daily mindset. Your self care tips depend on the people around you, and those influences you come across within your daily life. It makes you feel better when you’re surrounded by your people, and especially if those influences share the healthy habits you incorporate into your daily routine, you’ll keep up your positive habits without even realising.
Acting the part of the person you want to be effectively changes the way you experience the world around you. Here at Betterminds, we hand you the tools you need to make sure self care tips stay a part of your everyday life. With hundreds of science based tips tools, our courses allow you and your team to better manage themselves, their service users and create Betterminds for everyone. Take a look at our courses to change the way you work towards your wellbeing.