Stress and anxiety are both a normal part of people’s lives. Some service users adopt their destructive behaviours to manage their feelings. Fully understanding what triggers the stress response and how to manage anxiety will not only make you more resilient but also equip you to be a more effective practitioner. If working more effectively with your service users and moving them into a more productive life is critical to your approach, then having the tools and techniques to help others manage these destructive feelings will be vital to your professional development.
In today’s high-stress work environments, more and more people are suffering leading to over 15 million work days lost to sickness annually.
Ensuring your team has the skills and knowledge to manage their own stress and anxiety whilst being able to cascade this knowledge to clients & service users can greatly improve the overall effectiveness of your organisation and can contribute to more rapid progression through services.
Every things we do is because it feels right at the time. By having the skills to support your service users to manage their feelings effectively they will not let things build and then use to manage those feelings. Knowing how to manage anxiety and stress will help your service users be calmer, be better placed to engage with challenging work and move through services more rapidly.
This training will equip you with the skills to have that knowledge and practical tools and techniques to effectively support yourself and your colleagues and your service users.
The Betterminds Stress & Anxiety Course usually runs for a single day, however, this may be extended depending on the requirements of your organisation.
Betterminds Stress & Anxiety Course will equip you and your team with an in-depth understanding of Stress and how to manage it
There will be tools and techniques to deal with known and unknown anxiety.
An understanding of the physiological effects of anxiety
Tools and technique to manage the physiological effect
Improved staff wellbeing
Reduced absence due to stress and anxiety
Your team will understand and be able to action the Betterminds Stress & Anxiety Toolkit and apply it to manage themselves and others
Reduce risk of staff burn-out and increased resilience directly due to this training
This course will be effective in any intense work environment or any other high-pressure work environments. It is vital if you are experiencing staff sickness due to stress or retention issues due to burn out. This course is essential trainging for teams in high pressure environments or who work with those vulnerable to stress and anxiety such as mental health workers, substance misuser professionals, medics, GPs, social care providers, social prescribers, criminal justice workers and those who work in education.